Guangzhou Kunstmuseum

Das Archiv von Guangzhou Kunstmuseum

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Guangzhou Kunstmuseum

Ihr Metier: Ölgemälde, Chinesische Kunst, Andere Malerei, Bildhauerei

With a history of more than 40 years, covers a floor area of 20300 m2 and a gross area of 40300 m2, Guangzhou Art Museum is among the largest art museums in South China, a multifunctional unit of collection, research, display, exhibition, education, communication and entertainment. There are 19 exhibition halls, including a multifunctional exhibition hall, a storehouse, a restoration studio and an appreciation hall. GMA is famous for its modern and professional facilities and affluent artistic aura.

Bisherige Ausstellungen:
Guangzhou Art Museum hosts assorted exhibitions annually with complementary catalogues and academic seminars.

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