Shenzhen Kunstmuseum

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Shenzhen Kunstmuseum

Ihr Metier: Ölgemälde, Chinesische Kunst, Andere Malerei, Bildhauerei

The museum covers a total area of 5,500m2 with a floor space of 2,800m2 and an exhibition area of 1,200m2.  Since its establishment, Shenzhen Fine Art Gallery(Shenzhen Art Museum) has been able to effectively take advantage of its proximity to Hong Kong and Macao, offering visitors an insightful "cultural window" through hosting various activities and promoting artistic exchanges both domestically and abroad. 

Shenzhen Art Museum has continued to strive towards providing a complete range of services for professional artists, art lovers and the general public - presenting a comprehensive window into the world of art. It continues to actively develop and build its image through creating a fully public service-orientated art museum for everyone to enjoy.

Bisherige Ausstellungen:
The museum plans the annual 'China Contemporary Art Thematic Exhibition’ and the 'Shenzhen Local Art Thematic Exhibition’.

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